
Monday, August 9, 2010

U.S Sells Fighter Jets to Israel's Enemies

Wow!! What a week to be gone and away from the news in Wyoming! Firestorms in Russia, massive flooding in Pakistan and China, a border gun-fight between Israel and Lebanon....things are continuing to heat up!!

Thanks much to Lisa H. and Mike S. for filling in as "guest bloggers" last week. I can see by their excellent posts and well connected dots that many of us are on the EXACT same page.

Today the headline on the Wall Street Journal front page reads;
U.S. to Sell F-15's to Saudis

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration plans to sell advanced F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia but won't equip them with long-range weapons systems and other arms whose inclusion was strongly opposed by Israel, diplomats and officials said.

The proposed $30 billion, 10-year arms package, which would be one of the biggest single deals of its kind, has been a source of behind-the-scenes tension during months of negotiations. Israeli officials have repeatedly conveyed their concerns in private that the U.S. risks undermining its military advantage by equipping regional rivals with top-flight technologies.

But the scope and size of the Saudi deal has unnerved Israel and its allies in Congress at a time when U.S.-Israeli relations are particularly unsteady.

See it here;

Repeat after me, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you," says God.

Pure and simple, America was made great by God to incubate Israel so she could return to center stage in the VERY LAST DAYS and fulfill all prophecy that encompasses the epicenter of Jerusalem.

If we continue to "unnerve" long can we expect to keep our blessings? Answer; don't be surprised if America comes apart...and it could happen any day now. We are 100% ripe for judgment.

Please continue praying for our leaders that they can discern the Truth (sent by Jesus Christ) from the lies. (Father of all Lies is Satan) But even if they can't please help us stay faithful to our Lord and Savior even if (when?) all blessings are ripped away from us.

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