
Monday, August 2, 2010

War Risks on the Rise

My name is Mike and I have the unique privilege of filling in for Dennis for a few days. Perhaps like many of you, I believe that we are living near the end of the Church Age. There are simply too many signs to ignore. But don't take my word for for yourselves and you will find that God's Word is chock full of prophecies that have already come true, to perfection.

As we view the events of the Middle East and Israel, in particular, through the third lens of Scripture, we know that something big is in the works. The next article pertains to recent comments from Syrian President Bashar Assad, as the pressure continues to build against Israel.

DAMASCUS: Syria's president warned yesterday that the prospects for war in the region were on the rise as chances for peace dwindled amid increased tensions.

Bashar Assad's comments come after Israel accused Syria of smuggling Scuds and other missiles to Lebanon's Hizbollah group. Syria has denied the charge.

"Chances to achieve real peace are dwindling and war prospects are mounting," he said in comments marking Army Day, carried by state-run news agency SANA.

He said his country is still willing to achieve "a just peace and consolidate security and stability the region," adding this will only be realised after Israel fully pulls out from the Golan Heights it captured from Syria during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

He stressed that "anyone who thinks that Syria might negotiate over its occupied land will be deluding himself."

Turkish-mediated indirect talks between Syria and Israel ended unsuccessfully in late 2008.

Assad said in the past that the indirect talks failed because the Jewish state would not make an unambiguous commitment to return all the territory captured in 1967.

The Golan Heights have been the central point of disagreement between both countries for years and Assad said: "The liberation of the Golan is a deeply ingrained right. Peace requires restoring all the occupied soil until the line of June 4, 1967."

"The world is certain now that Israel is the one putting obstacles in front of peace and its requirements," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country would not accept pre-conditions to negotiations, indicating he would not agree ahead of time to a withdrawal.

Ah, no Mr. Assad, you are the one who is "deluding himself". Israel learned its lesson from its withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, and I'm firmly convinced that President Netanyahu will not make that mistake regarding the Golan Heights. Did you know that the Golan Heights land area which Mr. Assad is complaining about represents less than 0.65% of Syria's total landmass?


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Check this out...

    Iran's DM: Counter-Strike Plan Ready

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier
    General Ahmad Vahidi on Tuesday stressed preparedness
    of the country's Armed Forces to repel possible
    military attacks on Iran, saying that Tehran has
    already defined the necessary strategies and drawn
    defensive plans to confront enemy invasion.

    Iran has also warned that it could close the strategic Strait of Hormuz if it became the target of a military attack over its nuclear program.

    If there is war you can expect pump prices for gas to go through the roof. How long will our county stand for high gas prices. That is so inconvenient.

    Yours in Christ


  2. Firefight Between Israel and Lebanon Leaves 5 Dead

    Lebanon and Israel traded angry accusations today after a senior Israeli army officer and four Lebanese nationals, including a journalist, were killed in an exchange of fire across the border.

    The firefight, the most serious incident since the end of the 2006 war.

    See it here:


    Egyptian minister calls on Muslims to flood J’lem

    Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq has called on Muslims worldwide to visit Jerusalem and assert its Islamic identity.

    In an interview with the London- based pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat, Zaqzouq attacked the traditional Arab policy of tourism boycott against the Jewish state. He warned that Israel’s building in the city could smother Islamic sites.

    Read more here:

  4. Alleged Israeli spy wanted in connection with Hamas leader's slaying freed on bail.

    Uri Brodsky could face spying charges if he leaves Germany and later returns. At the moment, Brodsky only faces charges relating to passport fraud because that was the only offense on which Poland agreed to extradite him.

    Wolf said both prosecutors and the court agreed on the release. He declined to disclose the amount of the bail paid.

    German prosecutors accuse Brodsky, who was extradited from Poland on Thursday, of illegally helping to procure a German passport used in connection with the Jan. 19 slaying of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai, allegedly by a Mossad hit squad.

    If convicted of that offense, Brodsky faces a fine or a short prison sentence, Wolf said. He could be tried in absentia.

    Brodsky was arrested June 4 at Warsaw airport on a European arrest warrant issued by Germany, which accused him of espionage and helping to falsely obtain a German passport.

    However, the Polish court that granted the extradition request said he could only be sent to face prosecution for his alleged involvement in faking an identity.

    Wolf said that Brodsky would still have to face the spying accusations if he leaves Germany and later returns, or if he is arrested in a third country that agrees to extradite him to Germany on those charges.

    Israel's suspected forgery of European passports allegedly used by members of a hit squad who took part in the killing of the Hamas leader in a luxury hotel in Dubai in January annoyed several European countries, including Britain, which expelled an Israeli diplomat over the matter in March.
