
Monday, August 23, 2010

Winston Churchill and UFO's

We posted last week about how UFO's seem to be going mainstream at a very fast pace. Movies, TV shows, magazines, all seem to be talking about (and leading us to?) a place where most of the world's populace will accept the "fact" that aliens from other planets have been visiting us. Or worse....leading the populace to believe that "aliens" are responsible for life on earth.

I missed this tidbit when it broke a few weeks ago, but it now seems that Winston Churchill may have been involved in a UFO cover up that happened during WWII. Even more bizarre (and probably accurate?) is that he allegedly said it was in the public interest to be kept ignorant of UFO's because it may challenge people's faith in God and religion.

While returning to Britain from a mission in Germany, the crew was reportedly approached by a metallic UFO on the English coast. The crew even took photographs of the UFO, the letter said.
The writer said that the UFO appeared to "hover noiselessly" and then suddenly disappeared.
Upon hearing the story, Churchill allegedly ordered that it be kept secret for 50 years or more.

"This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one's faith in the Church," the letter claims he said.

The writer asked the Ministry of Defense if it could confirm the incident and if the event was still classified.

In response, the Ministry of Defense said it could not find any written record of the incident. But it also said that before 1967, all UFO files were destroyed after five years, so any UFO documents from World War II era would most likely have been destroyed.

See it here;

Note that this story appeared on ABC news with a video from the discussion is certainly continuing to go mainstream.

At the end of the article one of the interviewees had this to say;

Still, he said he doubts that the missing information is going to be supplied any time soon.

"We need to recognize that we're sitting on a pile of significant information but the world is in a precarious situation right now," he said. "Economies are not doing so great. Do you really want to do something that throws a monkey wrench into everything?"

Wow! He may have that right! Can you imagine with all the chaos currently going on if the USA and other Western nations came out all at once and said, "People, we have been in discussion for decades with beings from other planets...and here is what they have been telling us...."

Again, I will point out 1 Timothy 4:1...."The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits (aliens?) and things taught by demons."

If Churchill did say what he allegedly said about people having their faith destroyed....he may have been quoting Biblical prophecy....and didn't even know it?

Remember friends...these UFO's are not "aliens" coming from another planet or universe. They are deceptive demons, hybrid flesh or some other Luciferean creation sent by Satan to decieve this lost, confused and Biblically illiterate planet.

Hat tip to April.

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