
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Jewish State

As the "peace talk" continues between Netanyahu and Abbas, this exercise is quickly revealing why peace will not happen. Of course they can't even agree on the most basic of starting points.

For instance, Netanyahu demands that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Of course Abbas said that would not be possible.

Well you may as well pack up your puppets and head home then....because the puppet show is cancelled.

A Jewish state is EXACTLY what Israel is and was always meant to be from the very get go. A place where persecuted Jews from around the world could come....a place they could call there own...a place that always keeps a Jewish majority.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state in an interview with east Jerusalem newspaper Al-Quds.

When asked about Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's demand that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas said "Israel can call itself whatever it wants. We don't have to recognize those definitions."

Abbas repeatedly told the interviewer, on his trip from Libya to Jordan, that he will not compromise, especially when it comes to settlements and 1967 borders.

Abbas complained that the "historic compromise" that Netanyahu mentioned in his speech is a request for Palestinians to "withdraw all the issues, especially with the occupied territories in 1967."

"We reject this because we see the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip as indivisible," Abbas said.

See it here;

Notice that Abbas said West Bank (called Judah in OT) and Jerusalem are indivisible...meaning that in order to have peace they must be in the hands of the Palestinians.

Now notice what God says, "The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem." Zechariah 2:12

Now can we continue to understand why Satan wants this land so badly?? Do we see the pattern?

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