
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Progressive Church

The linked video is pretty funny, pretty sad and pretty true. It's a take off on the Progressive insurance commercials but changes the topic from shopping for insurance into shopping for a church/religion.

See it here;

How many churches start off each week at a staff meeting saying, "what can we do to attract more people to come here?" Better coffee? Softer pews? Shorter sermons? Louder music? Better snacks between services? More jokes and fun from the pulpit? More sermons on sex and culture?

How many churches have given up preaching on sin and repentance because, "no one wants to hear about that anymore."

How many churches have thrown out parts of the Bible because they don't believe it lines up with what THEY understand God to be about?

How many churches have quit telling their attenders about Hell even though the Bible talks more about hell than it does about heaven?

How many churches have forgotten that only the Holy Spirit saves people?

How many churches have 10% of the attenders doing 100% of the work and 90% doing absolutely nothing?

How many churches will have people left sitting in the pews when the Rapture happens because it turns out that the church was actually full of non-believers who never actually received the Holy Spirit?

"On that day, many will say, "Lord, Lord! Didn't we cast out demons in your name? Didn't we prophecy in your name?" And Jesus will say, "Depart from me. I don't know you."

Hat tip to Kim H.

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