
Friday, September 24, 2010

Russia Thwarts Iran

We have been watching Russia and Iran move closer together in relations over the past few years. This is predicted in Ezekiel 38.

Today there appears to be some movement AWAY from the continuing fulfillment of this prophecy. So this could be viewed as "good news" to those who aren't fond of the idea of a Russian/Iranian military coalition descending on Israel.

Why Russia is cutting off major arms sales to Iran


After months of sending conflicting signals about whether Russia would fulfill a controversial contract to supply advanced S-300 antiaircraft missiles to Iran, the Kremlin has ordered a halt to all sales of sophisticated Russian weaponry to the Islamic Republic.

A decree signed by President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday bans the supply of battle tanks, armored vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, warplanes, military helicopters, ships, and missiles – including S-300 air defense systems – to Iran as part of measures to bring Russia into compliance with tough sanctions agreed by the UN Security Council in June.

Iran has purchased more than $5 billion in Russian weaponry over the past decade, including Tor-M1 short-range antiaircraft missiles, warplanes, submarines, and armored vehicles.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said unspecified defense cooperation with Iran would continue, despite the end of major arms sales. "There are other directions," he told journalists.

See it here;

Now notice a few things; if it is true that Russia is not going to sell and install the S-300 anti-aircraft system to Iran....this may be EXTREMELY welcome news in Israel because it may buy the IDF more time to figure out the best way to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities knowing they only have to penetrate the current antiquated Iranian radar system.

The other thing to notice is the cryptic message given by the Russian foreign minister who says that defense cooperation will continue with Iran...noting that, "There are other directions." What the heck does that mean? Are they going to sell the S-300 to Hezbollah instead?

So I will call this news story a glimmer of good news but not astonishingly good news....because I am thinking Russia is going to figure out a way to keep pumping guns, bombs and missiles into Iran despite today's headline....and they will find "other directions" in which to do it.

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