
Monday, September 27, 2010

So Much for Obama's Reset Button

President Obama campaigned on the promise that, if elected, he was going to hit the reset button and undo all the nastiness of the George Bush presidency. He was going to offer respect to the nations that President Bush had so grossly offended by calling them "evil"...and in doing so peace, happiness, prosperity and a general sense of good will would automatically flow around the world. (cue the Kum ba yah sound track please) It all sounded really good.

So I am sure that these latest comments from Iran are deeply troubling to Team Obama.

TEHRAN (AFP) – Iran's parliament speaker on Saturday called US President Barack Obama an "international villain" for saying the United States supports the Iranian people's democratic aspirations.

"How dare Obama announce that he wants to help the Iranian nation? He should know that he is an international villain," Ali Larijani was quoted by ISNA news agency as saying during a visit to the southern city of Shiraz.

"The Americans are displaying an act that deserves an international evilness medal... Mr Obama should know that we do not need his message, what we need is to be able to trust the words he utters," he said.

See it here;

What the heck?? Did this guy not get the global memo?? He was supposed to drink a Coke, hold hands with people of all races and faiths and gather on a mountain hilltop while all singing, "....grow apple trees, and honey bees and snow-white turtle doves...."

And instead he has the audacity to say Team Obama, "deserves an international evilness medal"?? What the....?

That's just flat out not nice. Even worse, that rough talk may delay the possibility of Team Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace price someday...

Wait a tick?....didn't Obama already get a Nobel Peace prize simply for his awesome talk of peace during his campaign?

What a funny world we live in. It is so thoroughly confused that it appears that it is being run by a master of confusion. Let's see....didn't the Bible say something about the "Prince of the earth"?

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