
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Conditioning of the Masses

Of course many of you have heard me speak about "aliens" and UFO's and I have posted about them in the recent past.

Today I received this email alert from a major prophecy website run by Jan Markell, called Understanding the Times. Her assistant, Heidi, wrote it because Jan is recovering from surgery.

The conditioning of the masses is taking many forms. One esoteric, but increasingly prolific, form of preparation has been the whole subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). I've written on this subject before (a couple times, actually), but this past week the subject entered the mainstream.

Dr. Mazlan Othman, Malaysia's first astrophysicist and head of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa) was this week officially appointed "Space Ambassador" by the United Nations. Did you catch that? The UN -- a very official, if dubious, body -- actually has an Office for Outer Space Affairs and just appointed an ambassador to greet aliens from outer space when they arrive! You can't make this stuff up!

That's not all. On Monday, September 27, several former U.S. military officers confirmed in a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., that they had witnessed UFOs tampering with US nuclear missile control sites in 1967. These are well-respected U.S. military officers, not wacko conspiracy theorists.

Furthermore, earlier this year the British government released 6,000 pages of UFO documents on sightings within the country. And the Royal Society of London which earlier this year held a conference on The Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society, has another meeting scheduled this week (that the new UN space ambassador plans to attend) titled, "Towards a Scientific and Societal Agenda on Extraterrestrial life". Lord Martin Rees, president of the Royal Society, is quoted as saying, "Aliens may be staring us in the face . . . I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can't conceive . . . it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains."

See it here;

Friends, are you aware that the "aliens" (really demons in disguise) have been ramping up the frequency of their messages, sent through their human channels, that a "mass evacuation of planet earth may soon be coming?"

Why do you suppose that is?

Here's a possibility for you to ponder; Satan knows his Bible better than any human being because he has had 2000 years to pour over it and memorize it. He also knows that the rapture of the church is NOT OPEN for debate. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO!! Furthermore, he can see (even better than us) that the signs of Christ's return are showing up Satan is scrambling to pull the trigger on the many explanations for those left behind of WHERE ALL THE CHRISTIANS WENT! And his really big one he has been working on for centuries is that "aliens" took us away because we were unwilling to let our brains enter the NEW AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Those left behind will be told that we are being reprogrammed away from the main group of humans and will be rejoining them after we have accepted the new age.

Think about it....that will make a ton of sense to many of the atheists, new agers, and peace/love groupies. "Yeah dude! I always knew those Christians were intolerant! They were always preaching Jesus is the only way! They were SO not ready to welcome our new space buddy dudes, the Pledieans. I always knew that Bible crap was a joke!"

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times (days leading up to Christ's return) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits (aliens in disguise?) and things taught by demons." 1 Timothy 4:1

"But Dennis, can't expect me to believe in all this supernatural stuff. Come on!!"

Friends, if you don't believe in supernatural stuff...then you better get ready to throw out a major portion of God's word. Because God IS supernatural,... so is Jesus, so are the angels, so are the attending spirits, so is the Holy is Satan, so are the fallen angels, so are the Nephilim, so are the demons, so are the fallen angels bound in earthly pits awaiting the day of judgment.

Are you really willing to throw away that much of God's Word? Think about it.

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