
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

IMF in Headlines Again

The International Monetary Fund is at it again. For years they played a very behind-the-scenes role in making some loans and taking deposits from countries who had more cash than they needed.

Today it seems they are in the headlines almost every day...and today is no different.

IMF Says Public Debt, Fragile Banks Pose Risks to Global Economic Growth

High unemployment, public debt and fragile banking systems pose risks to global prosperity, the International Monetary Fund said, urging policy makers to take bolder steps to assure a sustained recovery.

Many advanced nations such as the U.S. have yet to adopt policies that will reduce their reliance on government spending and strengthen household demand and exports, the IMF said. At the same time, developing nations such as China are keeping their currencies weak and remain overly dependent on overseas sales to spur growth.

See it here;

Just in case someone is a new reader....WHY IS THIS INTERESTING?? Because the Bible tells us there will be a one world government and a one world currency during the last years on earth. And the IMF may very well be the international bank, issuing an international currency when all the currencies of Greece, Spain, Japan, and the USA fall down...and the world clamors for someone to come and save them.

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