
Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Not Getting Better

The Bible tells us we live on a Satanic planet. Satan is the Prince of the Earth and also the Prince of the Powers of the Air. Pretty much sounds like he has the whole thing wrapped up.

Knowing this, it is always such a surprise to hear fellow Christians wondering about why they have had such a rough life, or why God allowed such and such to happen. Friends, we are in a war. Satan currently has this territory and Jesus has dropped us in behind enemy lines to "set the captives free." We are part of the final rescue mission to release our brothers and sisters in Christ from this Satanic prison before God comes and torches this whole place...and Jesus reclaims it all for His own.

How come the most Churches have totally lost this message? How come no one told me this in confirmation 35 years ago? How come no one ever told me about the rapture of the church until 5 years ago?

Short answer....because the wolf has come into 99% of churches... disguised in sheep's clothing...exactly as the Bible said he would. The message of the wolf has been that we followers of Christ are supposed to bring peace to this world, that God is ONLY about love, that God has no wrath in him, that tolerance of other non-Christian religions is good, that no one in the church is supposed to be judged for their sin, that ancient pagan practices can be used to connect with our inner spirituality. The list goes on and on.

Pastor Greg Laurie sent me a great devotion today. He confirms our thoughts that things are not going to get better on planet earth until Christ comes to sit on David's throne. How do we know this? Because the Bible tells me so.

Infiltrate, Not Isolate

"I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one."— John 17:15

What is the biblical worldview on our culture? Are things getting better? Is humanity improving the world around it? The Bible is really clear on this one: our culture is dark, and it is getting darker. That is what the Bible teaches. It is not going to get better; it is going to get worse. Despite the fact that humanity has increased in scientific, medical, historical, educational, psychological, and technological knowledge to an astounding degree, we have not in any way, shape, or form changed our own basic nature. And we have not improved society.

Our confidence has increased, but our peace of mind has diminished. Our accomplishments have increased, but our sense of purpose and meaning have all but disappeared. Instead of improving the moral and spiritual quality of our lives, our discoveries and accomplishments have simply provided new ways to show ourselves for what we really are: depraved, sinful, and wicked.Modern man has simply discovered new ways to corrupt and destroy himself. We go from war to greater war, from immorality to greater immorality, from perversion to greater perversion. The spiral is downward, not upward.

Some Christians try to isolate themselves from the world around them. But that is virtually impossible. You may remove yourself and your children from the culture, or at least attempt to, but know this: your culture will find you.

Withdrawing to a Christian subculture is not what we are supposed to do. Jesus prayed this for us: "I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one" (John 17:15). The objective of believers is not to isolate, but to infiltrate; not to evade, but to invade. We are to impact our culture without being compromised by it.

That's awesome!! We are not supposed to evade, but to invade! Let's identify the enemy. Let's plan our attack. Let's know what to do when we take casualties. Let's understand that if we aren't being shot at, it means we aren't in the battle.

In summation...let's rescue our buddies and make war on the enemy...before God puts an eternal end to Satan and anyone who has not accepted Christ.

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