
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obama and Palestine

As we have repeatedly said, we believe the USA is walking along a very precarious cliff. The Bible says that those who would divide Jerusalem will be, "...torn to pieces." (Zechariah)

Last week we posted an article stating that the PLO desired to have a map of the desired Palestinian state....a map MADE BY THE USA showing the division of the Holy Land.

Yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, John Bolton wrote yet another article concerning Israel, titled;
Obama and the Coming Palestinian State

Direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, for 21 months the centerpiece of Obama administration Middle East policy, are moving inevitably toward collapse. The talks may limp past our Nov. 2 election, but they are doomed to fail.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) fully understands that the talks—and the "two state solution"—will fail. It needs a plan B. Accordingly, several ideas are circulating to skip bothersome negotiations with Israel and move immediately to Palestinian "statehood."


This time is different. Once past Nov. 2 and faced with the impending and embarrassing collapse of direct talks, President Obama may well be moved to punish Israel or at least fashion a teachable moment out of his diplomatic failure.

The Obama administration has a jaundiced view of Israel, but actual U.S. recognition of "Palestine" seems a remote prospect in the near term. The domestic political firestorm for the president—already likely to be badly wounded in midterm elections and deeply concerned about his own prospects in two years—would simply be too much.

Mr. Obama has unmistakably left open the possibility of defaulting to the 1967 borders. In his September 2009 speech at the U.N., for example, he supported a Palestinian state "with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967."

No one should underestimate the gravity of this threat to Israel's position, although Mr. Obama could eliminate it at a stroke if he chooses to speak out. We will soon see how hostile to Israel he is prepared to be.

See it here;

Oh my goodness! Did you catch Mr. Bolton's phrases, "...punish Israel", "...jaundiced view of Israel," "....occupation that began in 1967," "...hostile to Israel he is prepared to be."?

Again, let me count the ways that America could be torn to pieces if we continue going down this path of pressuring Israel to give up Jerusalem or divide it and give it to Israel's enemies; financial collapse, slave to lender, terrorist attacks, earthquake, social unrest, civil war, massive power outage due to Electro-Magnetic-Pulse bomb (EMP), power outage due to massive solar storm, drought, food shortages, and/or a combination of any of these.

Some will say to themselves, "But Dennis...really...we are America...God loves us! He made us the greatest, most powerful country in the world! He will never turn His back on us!"

Is it becoming increasingly clear to all that it is America who is turning our back on God? How long can we expect to last if God withdraws His blessing and protection and leaves us to fend for ourselves on this Satanic planet?


  1. just finished "the israel omen"... please mr. president, do not draw that map...

  2. That's "coincidental" jLd...because I just finished the Israel Omen this week as well...and will probably be talking about it in adult ed on Sunday.

  3. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this video


