
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Four Horsemen Prepare to Ride

Last Sunday in adult education we talked about the potential financial collapse of the U.S. and/or the global economy. We also talked about the eyes of the world being on Israel. And finally we talked about how a haunted house is scary the first time you go through it....but by the second and third time you know in advance when the boys dressed in masks are going to jump out and scare you. You also realize that they are just boys in masks...and so the whole experience seems a lot less scary.

We concluded that that's why the Bible tells you these things in you can prepare your hearts and minds for what is it will be less scary.

Jesus said, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed."

Jesus goes on to tell us in Luke about coming persecution; "But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves."

Today I ran across this writing from prophecy writer, Mike Taylor. It offers confirmation that others are seeing and discussing the same things that we are.

The world is in economic upheaval. Never before has the world economy been as we see it today. Could it get even worse? Are you prepared for what is coming on the face of the earth? And the focus of the message, are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse preparing to ride?

“The National Inflation Association today announced the release of its report about NIA's projections of future U.S. food price increases due to the massive monetary inflation being created by the Federal Reserve's $600 billion quantitative easing. This report was written by NIA's President Gerard Adams, who believes food inflation will take over in 2011 as America's greatest crisis. According to Mr. Adams, making mortgage payments will soon be the last thing on the minds of all Americans. We currently have a currency crisis that could soon turn into hyperinflation and a complete societal collapse.”

Let’s look at history, which we are repeating. During the depression, there was also one going on in Europe. The currency collapsed and the money they used became worthless. It took a cart full of money to buy one loaf of bread.

Now are these predictions and their timetable set in stone? Do we know for a fact that 2011 will be as bad as they predict? Of course not. But a wise person makes plans in the face of mounting evidence that we are on the cusp of some very hard times. A wise person puts back staples, water, food and basic supplies to weather the start of this collapse, but no one can weather the flood of economic indicators that say it will be as bad or worse, then the Great Depression. If we, who have faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, are still here to see the start of this economic crash, we will must rely and have faith in the One who has sustained us and will continue to sustain us even in hard times.

See it here;

Sounds like scary times. Sounds like the god of Mammon (god of wealth and money) may be ripped out of every one's hands...and the harder you clutch her the more your fingers will bleed. That's probably why Jesus tells us to hold money and wealth VERY loosely.

Are we prepared for hard times? Have we made up our minds in advance to not deny Christ if persecution comes? Have we made up our minds beforehand of how (and if) we will share our food and warmth with our hungry, totally confused neighbors?

Have we set aside anything to share with our neighbors? Remember, if the Lord tears down Mammon and the USA turns into a very dark place....people will be coming towards the light of the Holy Spirit that indwells in believers. Will we be ready to offer them a little food, some comfort and source of our hope...which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Will we be standing on a firm foundation when the storm rolls in and blows everyone else away?

Pray the the Lord of the Harvest will give us discernment to understand the times we are in. Pray that he will help to prepare our hearts and minds for what may be coming....which may be sooner than we think.

Even so....come Lord Jesus.

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