
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jakarta to Jerusalem

Today in the far back corner of the Wall Street Journal was a tiny piece in the OPINION section. It is titled; FROM JAKARTA TO JERUSALEM. I would guess that 99% of Americans won't even see this little blurb....but from a prophetic point of view, it may be a major piece of news.

In recent weeks, Indonesia has endured a tsunami and volcanic eruption. On the positive side, it has a booming economy, a vibrant democracy and a welcoming investment climate. And because this Muslim-majority country has a long tradition of religious moderation and secularism, it serves as a model, or rebuke, to much of the rest of the Islamic world.

So what did President Obama talk about upon arriving in Jakarta yesterday? Israeli construction projects.

Why Mr. Obama chose to pick this fight from the distance of Southeast Asia is anyone's guess. Israel's decision to proceed with the building of some 1,000 housing units in the Har Homa neighborhood of municipal Jerusalem—a "settlement" only in the most jaundiced sense of the term—was made in October. Israeli governments of both the right and left have encouraged similar building projects since Jerusalem was reunified in 1967. And construction of the new housing will not begin for months if not years.

None of that deterred Mr. Obama, who warned the Israeli government that "this kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace negotiations." The State Department also chimed in, saying it was "deeply disappointed," while Palestinian spokesman Saeb Erekat added that the new construction proves "that Israel chooses settlements, not peace." This is the same Mr. Erekat who recently wrote an admiring letter to Ahmed Sa'adat, the mastermind of the 2001 assassination of an Israeli cabinet member.

All Israel has done is insist that Jews have a right to live anywhere in their capital city, something that might be controversial in Ramallah but ought not to be in Washington. Mr. Obama's public endorsement of the Palestinian view of what constitutes a settlement only puts the negotiated peace he seeks further out of reach.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian government forbids Israeli citizens from visiting their country. If Mr. Obama wants to bridge the distance between Jakarta and Jerusalem, maybe he can start with that one.

See it here;

OK...let's review. President Obama just used his platform-bully-pulpit offered to him in renounce the Israeli government for allowing houses to be built for it's citizens IN ITS CAPITAL OF JERUSALEM....and Indonesia doesn't allow Israeli citizens to even visit their country!!!!

Has our President lost his marbles?? Has he been bewitched?? Is he being used as a pawn of the evil powers of this earth to lead us all down the road towards a one world government? Will he behavior call down curses from God on all of America?

Furthermore, why is it that the vast majority of Americans have no idea of the significance of the prophetic activity we are seeing play out before our very eyes?

Maybe Jesus has an answer for that last question; "But if you do not wake up (watch), I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Revelation 3:3

Friends, let's face it. 99% of Americans have no idea what Jesus said. Even more sad, the vast majority of folks sitting in the pews of churches all over America, claiming to be Christians...have no idea what Jesus said. And this would explain why if the trumpet starts blowing today, announcing the rapture of the bride....most people who claim to be Christians will be 100% clueless as to what is happening.

Even so...come Lord Jesus.

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