
Monday, November 8, 2010

Playing With Fire

A few weeks ago in adult ed we talked about the "coincidences" that have happened in the way of major storms and catastrophes whenever a U.S. President announces his intentions to tinker with Israel's land. God said the Holy Land was His land and that any nations that try to divide it will be "torn to pieces".

With that being said we also talked about how someone from Team Obama was no doubt dabbling with an Israel map at this very moment and will undoubtedly come forward with some type of plan to pressure Israel to give up some of its land to make peace with the Muslim world....even though most of that Muslim world makes no attempt to hide the fact that they want Israel destroyed.

The attached article from Jewish columnist, Caroline Glick, makes one wonder if the USA is about to light a short fuse on a piece of dynamite...and end up blowing it's own fingers or hands off.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is playing with fire. And Israel is getting burned.
Over the past week, it has been widely reported that the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government are conducting secret negotiations regarding future Israeli land surrenders to the Palestinians in the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem. According to the reports, the Obama administration has presented Netanyahu with a plan whereby Israel will cede its rights to eastern Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and then lease the areas from the Palestinians for a limited period.

By calling for Israel to cede the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians, US President Barack Obama is ignoring the most fundamental reality of the Middle East: Israel is besieged by its neighbors who seek its destruction.

This is the truth today and given the depth of Arab hatred of Jews, in all likelihood, it will remain the case in forty years and in 99 years. At any rate, Obama's suggestion that Israel entrust its future to an unsubstantiated hope that the Arab world will be fundamentally transformed is both ignorant and dangerous.

When the US asks Israel to lease the areas from the Palestinians, what the US is telling Israel is that it rejects the very notion of Jewish national rights to the State of Israel.

Now pay attention to this;

If Netanyahu and his associates expressed happiness at the outcome of the US elections they would be fully justified for doing so. The overwhelming majority of Israelis -- who rightly view Obama as hostile --understand this.

Did you catch that? The overwhelming majority of Israelis view Obama as hostile to them.

See it here;

So what do you think may happen when Obama announces his wonderful plan to divide Jerusalem? Could we experience a major earthquake? A major hurricane? How about the a financial catastrophe that culminates around the $600 billion of newly printed money the Federal Reserve just announced last week?

I guess we will have to watch and pray. But I do believe that if the USA continues down this path we will be calling down curses on ourselves from the Creator of the Universe....who could utter a word and we would be gone.

Hat tip to Barb F.

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