
Friday, November 19, 2010

Quantative Easing Explained

Really....everyone must watch this cartoon video explaining EXACTLY what the Federal Reserve is up to with this latest round of money printing. What a great way to deliver the truth of what is happening...but in a way that makes you smile while you watch it.

See it here;

About 5 minutes into the video/cartoon there is a clever line, "Is this an episode of the Twilight Zone?"

About 6 minutes in, listen for them to talk about how Obama wants to blow up the entire world's financial system.

Let's face it....even some cartoon characters can here the footsteps of the Anti-Christ as one day he will take control of the entire global financial system.

Warning....the cartoon character uses a few profanities, so if you are easily offended by a few off color words, you should avoid this video.

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