
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Senator Says Israel Must Divide

As the WikiLeaks mess continues to unravel, we find out that Senator John Kerry has publicly said that Israel must be willing to return the Golan Heights to Syria if they want to have a lasting peace.

Ummm......that ain't gonna happen.

United States Senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry said during a meeting with Qatar leaders last February that the Golan Heights must be returned to Syria and that east Jerusalem must become the Palestinian capital as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty.

In a cable reporting the meeting's content leaked Tuesday night on WikiLeaks, Kerry also stressed that Syrian President Bashar Assad continues to arm Hezbollah and intervene in Lebanese matters.

See it here;,7340,L-3991853,00.html

As you can see this conversation happened last February. I wonder if this has anything to do with the wild weather the U.S. has had for all of 2010? Remember that these conversations with U.S. leaders are crucial and critical to the USA as a nation. The Bible is clear that any nations that mess with God's Holy Land will be, "cut to pieces."

The article ends with a little tid-bit of truth spoken by an Arab leader in regards to the Persians;

The cable also stated that towards the end of the meeting, the Qatari Emir told Kerry that the Iranians can not be trusted. The Emir added that after 30 years of experience with Iran, they will say 100 words to you but you can believe only one.

Meanwhile, our President Obama has been appeasing the Iranians giving them YEARS for diplomacy to work...even though you can't believe a word they are saying. And now they are years closer to having a nuclear bomb with which to threaten the world. Just one other example of why this President has actually made the world a more dangerous place by showing the strongmen and bullies of the world that he would rather talk.

The world is actually the safest when the USA is extremely strong and respected....because the thugs of the world will stay in hiding knowing they could be taken out at any minute by the US military.

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