
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Silver Lining From WikiLeaks

So, was there any silver lining from all the damage done by Wikileaks?

WikiLeaks exposures are a dangerous precedent but have revealed to the world the Arabs’ private fears of the Iranian nuclear threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday.

He added that Israel was not damaged by the leaks, which at worst caused some embarrassment to American officials, who were quoted in diplomatic cables as using negative terms to describe several world leaders.

The documents officially revealed what everyone already knows from “sources” quoted in the media – that the Arab world is frightened of the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

The question now is whether Arab leaders will admit in public what they said through private diplomatic channels, the Prime Minister said. “More and more countries realize that Iran is the central threat… If they start saying it publicly, it can pave the road to peace."

See it here;

Of course we know there will be no TRUE peace in the region until the Prince of Peace comes following The Tribulation....BUT....what is interesting is that we know the Antichrist will sign a false peace agreement with the Arabs and Jews that will last for about 3 1/2 years. The Arabs and Jews will both be taken in by the promises of the Antichrist. It makes one wonder if this could be one of the circumstances that will bring Arabs and Jews together to discuss their common enemy....Iran.

We will need to watch this development.

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