
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amish Ask Israel for Forgiveness

We have talked a little bit about "replacement theology". It's the idea held by some Christians that God has no further plans for the Jews as His chosen people and no further plans for Israel as a nation....instead he has "replaced" the Jews with Christ followers.

In my humble opinion...that's a load of crap. Honestly, I'm not sure how you would paste Daniel, Ezekiel, Hebrews and Revelation all together if you didn't understand that God has BIG plans for Israel in the last days before Christ returns.

According to this article even the Amish realized they were wrong on this point and got on forbidden airplanes to get to Israel ASAP and asked the Jews for forgiveness.

In a seemingly unprecedented move, a group of Amish Christians from the US made widespread use of modern technology - including airplanes, tour buses and even iPhones - in order to come to Israel and apologize to the Jews.

The Amish, both in the US and Europe, have a long history of anti-Semitism and have traditionally been firm proponents of Replacement Theology, which claims that God cast aside the Jews for their widespread rejection of Jesus as their messiah. Many Amish once believed the Nazi Holocaust was God’s punishment for that rejection of Jesus, and actually applauded Hitler.

Cool story! Good job you Amish folk! I wonder if the ELCA Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians will ever come to their senses and realize that, "He who keeps Israel will neither slumber or sleep."?

Hat tip to Jennie D.

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