
Monday, December 13, 2010

China Joins Axis of Evil

We know North Korea has been wound up tight over the last 4-5 years. First, they popped off a few nuclear bombs (surprise!), then they sunk a South Korean navy ship killing 46 sailors, last month they shelled some South Korean islands and now they are threatening nuclear war if South Korea and the U.S. don't tone down their joint military games.

See that story here;

So where did they get their nuclear know-how? After all, this is a country that doesn't even have electricity and it's people are starving to death because they don't have modern farming techniques.... so who taught them how to spin centrifuges and collect plutonium?

The scary answer is that fingers are pointing to China.

Last month, U.S. nuclear scientist Siegfried Hecker paid his fourth visit to North Korea, where he was granted a tour of some of the hermit kingdom's nuclear facilities. Think WikiLeaks is bad? Compared to what the former director of the Los Alamos lab saw, it's nothing.

Mr. Hecker was given a tour of a construction site where Pyongyang intends to build a 100-megawatt reactor. Next he was taken to a uranium enrichment facility. "The first look through the windows of the observation deck into the two long high-bay areas was stunning," relates Mr. Hecker. "Instead of seeing a few small cascades of centrifuges, which I believed to exist in North Korea, we saw a modern, clean centrifuge plant of more than a thousand centrifuges all neatly aligned and plumbed below us."

The North Koreans told Mr. Hecker they had developed all of this indigenously. I asked Thomas Reed and Danny Stillman, both former nuclear-weapons designers and authors of "The Nuclear Express," an excellent history of nuclear proliferation, what they thought were the chances of that. Answer: "Zero."

Which leaves China, the "most likely" provider of the North's new toys, according to the authors. "There is no possibility," they say, "of North Korea achieving what nuclear capability it has without Chinese help."

See it here;

China!? What the heck could be up with that? Why would they help a psychotic despot (Kim Jong Il) with illusions of grandeur who demands to be worshiped as a god...get nuclear weapons?

The answer to that question is pretty unsettling;

This is not the behavior of a status quo power, but of a revolutionary one supporting activities and regimes that represent the most acute threat to global security.

The Bible tells us that the "kings from the East" will one day cross the dried up Euphrates and start marching to the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:12) What that tells me is that we should be watching China because they will be a player in the very Last Days. So prophecy watchers should expect to see foreshadowing today of China turning on any country that has any marks of Judeo-Christian values and we should expect to see China's prominence in the world arena grow.

Also let's remember something else; the USA owes a boat load of money to this revolutionary power called China. I sure hope we all enjoyed all the crap we bought with the money we borrowed from them.....because the bill is now due.

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