
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Frenzy In Israel Over Gas Find

The front page of the Wall Street Journal today says that a big gas find has sparked a frenzy in Israel.

TEL AVIV—Two years ago, Ratio Oil Exploration LP, an energy firm here, employed five people and was worth about half a million dollars.

Today it sits at the center of a gas bonanza that has investors, international oil companies, Israeli politicians and even Hezbollah, Israel's sworn enemy, clamoring for a piece of the action.

Ratio's market capitalization now approaches $1 billion. The rally at Ratio is thanks to the company's 15% stake in a giant offshore gas field called Leviathan, operated by Houston-based Noble Energy Inc.

On Wednesday, the frenzy got fresh fuel: Noble confirmed its earlier estimates that the field contains 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world's biggest deepwater gas find in a decade, with enough reserves to supply Israel's gas needs for 100 years.

See it here;

Wow! Enough energy to keep Israel going for over 100 years! So here we have Israel front and center in the world news....AGAIN!

Joel Rosenberg also noticed this headline today and pointed out the prophetic timing of this great find. If you haven't seen his posting, with Biblical references, you can see that here;

Could this be the "booty" that Russia and the coalition are going to look to take? Ezekiel 38 clearly says that the coalition looking to invade Israel in the last days is looking hungrily at her wealth. Could this gas be one more jewel in Israel's crown that further makes the world envious and spiteful against her?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, you will like this...

    Pakistan makes two nuclear weapons available to Saudi Arabia.


