
Monday, December 6, 2010

God is Dead?

Last weeks announcement that a new life form was discovered that had none of the building blocks of life on earth....has spurred the ongoing debate about God, creation and science into a gallop.

The discovery of what is apparently an entirely new form of life -- a bacteria based on toxic arsenic rather than phosphorus, one of the six building blocks of all life on Earth -- has set the scientific world abuzz, prompting White House inquiries to NASA and threatening to upend longstanding beliefs about biology.

But some say the announcement also signals an end to religious faith, or at least the beginning of the end, because it implies that life can spring forth unexpectedly on Earth or even on other planets, and in unexpected forms -- developments that seem to run counter to literal readings of biblical creation accounts.

"The polite thing to say is that discoveries such as this don't really impeach the credibility of established religion, but in truth of course they really do," David Niose, president of the American Humanist Association (AHA), a leading secularist organization, said of this week's revelations about the microbes discovered in Lake Mono in California.

Niose of the American Humanist Association did concede that it is "unlikely that this discovery will change the minds of those who insist on a literal interpretation of the Bible."

"To them, the world is about 6,000 years old and evolution is a hoax, and no amount of scientific evidence will change that. For the rest of us, however, this discovery is indeed profound, and it adds to the mountains of evidence that already point to the humanistic lifestance as being our best hope."

See it here;

Can you see what's happening folks?? Those of us who are fundamental believers of the Bible are going to be further isolated by the world and held up for ridicule. Persecution will be coming for those of us who cling to the Word of God....even while everyone else seems to be abandoning it.

Jesus asks, "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Will He?

Hat tip to April S.

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