
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed

It seems some assassins rode up on motorcycles alongside some cars that Iranian nuclear scientists were riding in, attached some bombs then sped away and detonated them, killing one and injuring others.

What can we know about the assassins? First off, they weren't suicide bombers hoping to die in they most likely were not Muslims.

Well who was it then? The world is already pointing the finger at ISRAEL!

Tehran today accused the west and Israel of dispatching a hit squad against its atomic programme, after an Iranian nuclear scientist was killed and another injured in co-ordinated attacks.

The attackers rode up on motorcycles and stuck bombs to the windows of the scientists' cars as they were leaving their homes in Tehran on the way to work. Seconds later the bombs detonated.

One bomb killed Majid Shahriar, of the nuclear engineering faculty at the Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. His wife was in the car with him and was wounded. The second bomb injured Fereidoun Abbasi, 52, a nuclear physicist and professor at Shahid Besheshti, and also injured his wife.

See it here;

Of course the Mossad (Israel's CIA) isn't saying a thing...and you can bet if they were involved it won't be leaked out on WikiLeaks.

You know friends, when Israel says "Never Again!" when speaking about the Holocaust....those aren't just words. They truly mean it. When the world turns on them again, they will not go down without a fight.

I have no idea if Israel was involved in this or in the Stuxtnet computer worm that caused chaos in the Iranian nuclear facilities....but if they were, it would not surprise me....and I would not blame them for doing everything in their power to slow down their ancient Persian enemies from acquiring The Bomb.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Amir Hossein Shirani, Abducted Employee at Secret Iranian Nuclear Plant: The Facility Enriched Uranium in Order to Build a Nuclear Weapon


