
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Men Will Be Brutal

The Bible tells us in the last days that people will be brutal, lovers of violence. Of course we see this especially in the movies that keep coming out of Hollywood. Millions of Americans line up to pay $10 per ticket for the chance to see how many heinous ways a person can be killed in some of the most popular slasher films.

Also the video games that our kids are spending days playing. Many of the most popular involve massive amounts of killing...scoring more points for killing in a particularly gruesome way.

So should it surprise us when a 14 year old boy from California was just arrested for beheading people?

Soldiers detained Edgar Jimenez late Thursday at an airport outside Cuernavaca, 50 miles south of Mexico City, as he prepared to board a flight to Tijuana. Officials said he was accompanied by a sister and was heading to his native San Diego, where his mother lives.

Presented to the news media Friday morning, Jimenez said he had beheaded at least four adversaries of the so-called South Pacific Cartel, a remnant of the Beltran Leyva crime syndicate. The small, mop-haired boy known as El Ponchis, or "The Stoner," said he committed the killings while stoned on marijuana and at the orders of the gang boss in command of the Cuernavaca area. Authorities said he was caught with two cell phones that held photographs of tortured victims.

"I didn't know what I was doing," Jimenez said, according to media accounts, but added that he was paid $2,500 per killing. Army officials accused Jimenez's sister, identified as 19-year-old Elizabeth, of also working for the gang. Neither has been formerly charged.

See it here;

Nice! A stoned teenager cutting off heads for $2500 a piece.

Now ask yourselves a serious question....even if the stock market does come back and America returns to it's prominent place as the most voracious consumers in the you really believe a society can last much longer that produces the filthy entertainment and filthy citizens that we are producing by the millions?

When will God say, "Enough!"

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