
Monday, December 27, 2010

Muslims Kill Christians for Christmas

The Satanic hatred really seems to be approaching a boiling point. Remember, first the hatred wants to attack Jews, then Christians.

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Dozens of armed men attacked the church on Christmas Eve, dragging the pastor out of his home and shooting him to death. Two young men from the choir who were rehearsing for a late-night carol service also were slain.

The group of about 30 attackers armed with guns and knives also killed two people who were passing by Victory Baptist Church. The assailants only left after setting the church and pastor’s house ablaze.

Danjuma Akawu, the church’s secretary, managed to escape after he and others climbed over the church’s fence.

“I cannot understand these attacks, Akawu said. “Why Christians? Why Christians? The police have failed to protect us.”

See it here;

What is described above is most certainly void of comprehension here in America. What if our services were regularly interrupted by groups of angry men who randomly came in to our church and regularly killed anyone they could? Would we continue meeting openly? Would we be driven underground? Would we denounce our faith? Would we count the Gospel message as "worthy" to take such risks?

Last week, I heard one of our local news anchors make the comment, "Well, that's what we pray for this Christmas season...peace and prosperity!" Is it really? Is that what people in America are praying to the Creator of the Universe for? Sadly, he may be right.

Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace...but a sword. So I'm not looking for peace on earth any time soon as long as mankind is running things. It will ONLY happen when Christ comes as the Prince of Peace.

Jesus said to not fear men who can only kill your body and then that's all they can do....but to fear God who can kill your body and throw your eternal soul to hell.

Jesus Christ is the only man who can offer us peace with God the father. Has the Gospel message in America become so watered down, so perverted, so tolerant of all things, that we have the nerve to pray for prosperity while our brothers and sister in Nigeria pray for their lives and their children's lives?

Forgive us Lord...we know not what we do.

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