
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama--Submit to Islam or Else!

Today there is yet another example of the beauty of Islam....the religion of peace. Here is the headline;

Somali Insurgents: Obama Must Convert to Islam or Attacks on U.S. Will Come

MOGADISHU, Somalia -- A leader of Somalia's Islamist insurgency threatened to attack America during a speech broadcast Monday.

"We tell the American President Barack Obama to embrace Islam before we come to his country," said Fuad Mohamed "Shongole" Qalaf.

Al-Shabab has not yet launched an attack outside Africa but Western intelligence has long been worried because the group targeted young Somali-Americans for recruitment. About 20 have traveled to Somalia for training and at least three were used as suicide bombers inside Somalia. Al-Shabab holds most of southern and central Somalia and has the support of hundreds of foreign fighters, mostly radicalized East Africans.

It seeks to overthrow the weak U.N.-backed government, which is protected by 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian African Union peacekeepers.

The al-Shabab militia launched coordinated attacks in Uganda in July that killed 76 people. It has also announced its allegiance to Al Qaeda and is believed to be harboring a mastermind of the twin 2008 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.

See it here;

"But Dennis....Islam is a beautiful religion and it has been hijacked by just a few people"...some continue to say.

No, Islam is a perverse cult that came along over 600 years after Christ left this earth. It has all the attributes of what Jesus and the disciples told us to watch out for. It is just one of many traps that Satan has set to ensnare lost souls who fall into it. Islam DOES NOT LEAD people to Christ, and since Jesus said very clearly, "You are either for me or against me."....that leaves little room for discussion on what Islam is all about.

The mask of Islam continues to come off all around the world. Will the West wake up in time to stop it?

We will have to watch and see.

Continue to pray for the lost souls of Islam. Satan has it's followers in a stronghold....and that stronghold can ONLY be torn down through prayer.

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