
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Russian Navy Disrupts

The world is on edge. The nations are all trying to flex their muscles at the same time. The U.S. is doing joint military games with South Korea to show North Korea they aren't afraid of a fight...even though we really are. The U.S. is also doing joint military games with Japan....and Russia wants to make sure we know they aren't afraid.

In what Japan said was an unprecedented show of force two 'submarine hunter' Ilyushin-38 jets from Russia's Pacific Fleet circled the biggest joint US-Japanese military exercise in history for several hours in an apparent attempt to gather intelligence.

The incursion was deemed so serious that the exercise was temporarily halted and F-15 fighter jets scrambled to intercept the Russian planes.

The military exercise that had to be temporarily halted, in part to hamper any Russian attempts to gather intelligence on it, is reported to be the biggest such war game organised by Washington and Tokyo ever.

See it here;

Did you catch that word at the end, "ever"? Can you feel it? Something is getting ready to pop.

"Nation will rise against nation, (on earth) and kingdom will rise against kingdom (in the heavens)..." says Jesus. "But fear not, these things MUST happen."

I hope that when he tells us to fear's because He knows we are going to be raptured out of here! That IS our blessed hope.

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