
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

California Superstorm Predicted

More than a few readers saw this headline on Yahoo and quickly forwarded me the headline;

Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm

A group of more than 100 scientists and experts say in a new report that California faces the risk of a massive "superstorm" that could flood a quarter of the state's homes and cause $300 billion to $400 billion in damage. Researchers point out that the potential scale of destruction in this storm scenario is four or five times the amount of damage that could be wrought by a major earthquake.

It sounds like the plot of an apocalyptic action movie, but scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey warned federal and state emergency officials that California's geological history shows such "superstorms" have happened in the past, and should be added to the long list of natural disasters to worry about in the Golden State.

Now notice the interesting number they decided to use when describing how long it could rain;

The scientists built a model that showed a storm could last for more than 40 days and dump 10 feet of water on the state. The storm would be goaded on by an "atmospheric river" that would move water "at the same rate as 50 Mississippis discharging water into the Gulf of Mexico," according to the AP. Winds could reach 125 miles per hour, and landslides could compound the damage, the report notes.

See it here;

40 days of rain!....come on!....has not one of those scientists read the story about Noah's ark?

Holy mayhem! That type of event would sure put California in a pickle! And who would pay for the $billions in damages? Would anyone buy the CA state bonds that they would surely need to issue to pay for such a catastrophic storm or earthquake? The answer is starting to become clear to more than a few folks.

Some will say, "Well, Obama would just have to declare it a Federal they would be eligible for Federal help." And how long is China, and other nations, going to continue loaning the U.S. Federal government that they can loan it to the states?

The entire system is getting very ripe for a massive default when all of these I.O.U.'s come due across the financial globe. Let me explain this VERY simply.....China says to USA, "Give us our money back. We don't want to extend this loan any more!" USA calls all the state governors and says, "Give us the money we loaned you to bail out your state budget. We need it now!" The governors call the municipalities (cities and towns)....and the municipalities call their citizens....who reach into their pockets and pull them inside out and show their city leaders that they don't have any money either.

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