
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

China Builds Stealth

The front page of the Wall Street Journal is that China may be about to roll out a stealth fighter that would rival our own Stealth F-22. (Stealth means that it can avoid radar it can drop bombs or shoot missiles without anyone knowing they are even there)

China has reportedly developed a prototype stealth fighter jet to rival its United States counterparts.

The J-20 is said to be years from final completion, according to Japanese media reports, but it is expected to eventually match the United States F22.

Stealth jets have radar-avoiding capabilities and China's J-20 will reportedly be able to reach the US territory of Guam carrying large missiles.

The People's Liberation Army is in the process of a major modernisation and having stealth fighter jets would enable it to rival US airpower in the Asia-Pacific.

See it here;

Hey...wait a tick....didn't China also just announce they were building a gargantuan aircraft carrier to rival our navy in the Asia-Pacific??

Why don't these Chinese just relax and let us rule the world according to our wishes without constantly challenging our power? Don't they realize that power struggles can lead to war? (yes, yes...insert sarcasm)

Of course we continue to watch the rising coalition of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and others because Ezekiel told us to.

But we also watch the power grow in the hands of the Kings of the East...because Revelation told us that it will.

What an exciting time to be alive!! Just imagine if we ARE the generation that will never taste death... that means that Christ counted us worthy to be that ONE generation. What a blessing!!

"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever." II Thessalonians 4:17

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