
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Egypt's Prison of Hate

We first blogged about the shark attacks in Egypt last month....the Egyptians blamed those shark attacks on Israel.

So when 21 Christians were killed in a bomb attack that had all the markings of Islamic extremists....we weren't surprised when the Egyptian lawyer board claimed it was Israel that did it.

Today we have an article about both those events written by Brett Stephens in the Wall Street Journal.

Following the New Year's Eve massacre of a score of Coptic Christian worshippers outside a church in Alexandria, Egyptians are wasting no time fingering the likely culprit.

"With careful consideration," observes commentator Ammar Ali Hassan in the independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm, "the incident could lead to other interpretations, especially the application of the Zionist conspiracy against national unity in Egypt."

Going one better, Essam El-Irian, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood, says that while he believes "the Israeli Mossad was behind the incident," he won't rule out the possibility that al Qaeda itself may now be under Israeli operational control. And in a bid for Christian-Muslim unity, Gamal Assad, a Christian member of Egypt's parliament, accuses the perpetrators of "carrying out a Zionist scheme aimed at fragmenting the Arab region as a whole."

All of which leads to the depressing conclusion that Egypt, the country that forged a brilliant path to peace with Israel 31 years ago, is becoming something worse than an anti-Semitic cesspool. It is turning itself into a nation of political imbeciles.

See it here;

Whoa!! can't write that Egypt is turning into a nation of political imbeciles!! That's not politically correct!! Do you know how many people you could be offending with an article like this!! You need to apologize right away before you make any Islamists or violent Egyptians (or both?) angry at us!! Maybe we can go one better and send President Obama back to Egypt to apologize for how smart we are acting towards this wonderful nation which is the self-proclaimed cradle of civilization. He did it once...maybe he can do it again!! (insert copious amounts of sarcasm here)

Seriously many problems can the entire world blame on one tini-tiny nation with less than 1000th of the earth's population? It's beyond explanation!!

But the Bible says that the blaming of Israel will continue....until all the armies of the earth gather to destroy her. Glad we know how that all ends!!

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