
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Faith Based Predictions for 2011

Oh goody!! CNN went and found some people of "faith" what there predictions were for 2011. So of course they had to find comments from the Muslim, the Mormon, the Wiccan priest, the Pro-Gay Christian pastor, and the Rabbi. This sounds like the start of a good joke...doesn't it?

Of course, those of us who believe the words of Jesus can only shake our heads and continue to pray for the lost souls. Remember, CHRIST FOUND US....WE DIDN'T FIND that no man can boast.

Here's what the Wiccan said;

10. More Wiccan ministers and other pagan leaders will be actively involved in interfaith organizations, conferences and initiatives in the United States and internationally. Interfaith endeavors will grow in importance in addressing ongoing needs in the world today as well as in responding to natural disasters and other tragedies.–Rev. Selena Fox, senior minister of Circle Sanctuary, a Wiccan church near Barneveld, Wisconsin

Oh boy!...the Wiccan believes she is going to be more accepted by the other faiths. Super cool!!

Here's what the liberal Christain said;

5. As religious tensions grow over the coming presidential election and domestic cultural issues involving perceived legislation of morality, the media will find more zealous Christians reacting to the issues of the day whose extreme positions will further divide the evangelical church into radical positions, and turn away seekers looking for a peaceful resolution to the churning in their own souls. In other words, the devil will play a trick on the church, and the church will, like sheep, lose their focus on the grace and love of Christ and wander astray. Those who seek peace, then, will turn to liberal ideologies.–Don Miller, Christian author whose books include "Blue Like Jazz"

Oh boy!...sounds like anybody who takes the "extreme" position that Jesus is the ONLY way....will turn away "seekers" who want to feel better about themselves. Silly Church!!

And the Muslim believes they will finally get that mosque built in New York City;

11. Two-thousand-eleven will be, unfortunately, a continuation of great Islamophobic and uninformed attacks that will further alienate American Muslims and cause great distress in the rest of the Muslim world. However, I predict that the Park 51 will become less of an issue as more New Yorkers decide enough is enough and that they will not allow a few people with an Islamophobic agenda to dictate location of places of worship.– Muna Abusulayman, secretary general of The Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation

See them all here;

Is it any wonder that Jesus asks, "When I return, will I find faith on earth?"

Is it any wonder that Jesus said, "The road to destruction is wide and many will be on it."

Please forgive us Lord. Have mercy on us. We are poor, pitiful and blind. Lead us to your Truth. We beg you to keep us on the narrow path that leads to life. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Luke 18:8b: Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find [the] faith on the earth? Faith is articular in the Greek. The sentence is structured to demand a NO answer. Christ will not find "the faith" when He returns. "The faith" deals with a very specific aspect of Scripture [see previous 12/31/10 comment].
    Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life [for the coming age, the Millennium], and few there be that find it. (Matt.7:13-14 KJV) Christ is addressing the saved, not the unsaved. At the Judgment Seat the nonovercomers will be those who took the broad way, whilc the overcomers will have taken the narrow way, being the few that found it.
