
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FEMA and New Madrid

Took a minute today to look and see what FEMA had to say about New Madrid fault.

Sounds like they understand that a major quake along that fault is long overdue.

Here was a really interesting statement in the article;

According to the study, areas within the NMSZ (New Madrid Seismic Zone) would experience widespread and catastrophic physical damage, negative social impacts, and economic losses. Three different earthquake events were considered, one for each segment of the New Madrid Fault - northeast, central and southwest. For example, an earthquake event that occurs in the southwestern part of the seismic zone would cause significant damage in northeast Arkansas, northwest Mississippi, western Tennessee and portions of western Kentucky, and is likely to cause damage to the greatest number of homes and affect the largest number of people. The study notes that the total economic impact of a series of NMSZ earthquakes is likely to constitute the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States.

See it here;

Wow! The biggest economic disaster to EVER hit the U.S. is long overdue. I wonder what that would do to our economy?

I wonder if we continue pushing for the split of Israel...if God may use this fault to split America?

Also take note that the last time the fault broke open was 1811-1812....exactly 200 years ago.

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