
Monday, January 31, 2011

Meanwhile....In Nigeria...

With all the talk of Egypt, what about Nigeria?

You may remember it was just last Christmas where Muslims descended on a church that was having Christmas Eve services and hauled dozens out and used machetes to hack them to death.

Well, the situation hasn't improved.

(Reuters) - Youths dragged people from their cars and murdered them at illegal roadblocks in central Nigeria over the weekend, while rioters burned fuel stations and homes in the latest clashes between Christian and Muslim gangs.

Youths from the mostly Christian Berom ethnic group set up the roadblocks on Saturday at Gada Biu, on the edge of the city of Jos, stopping vehicles and pulling out people they believed to be Muslims, witnesses said.

One witness, who asked not to be named, said he had counted 15 bodies, although the security forces could not confirm this.

The latest burst of violence in Plateau state, where an estimated 200 people have been killed in ethnic and religious clashes over the past month, was triggered when Muslim youths attended a burial ceremony near a Christian village on Friday.

See it here;

Of course Reuters (very liberal news service) doesn't want to take sides in this they say "Muslim and Christian gangs". But let me make a wager you think it was Holy Spirit filled Christian youths who set up illegal roadblocks and dragged people out of their cars and killed them? you think it was youths who are of the Muslim persuasion?

Remember, confessing Muslims don't HAVE the Holy we don't expect any fruit of the spirit to manifest itself from them.

Anyone can CLAIM to be a Christian...but those whom the Holy Spirit inhabits will bare fruit of the Spirit....and won't be prone to drag random folks from their cars and beat them to death. The media simply won't ever understand that element of the Spiritual battle that is raging.

Satan is rising folks. He planted a time bomb in the Koran when he spoke those false words and lies to Mohammad...and now, 1400 years later it is going off in all the countries where the lies took hold.

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