
Saturday, January 1, 2011

More Dead Christians

Muslims continue to ramp up their killing of Christians. This time the headline comes from Egypt.

Bomb Kills 21, Injures 79 at Coptic New Year's Mass in Alexandria, Egypt

At least 21 people were killed and 79 wounded when a bomb exploded outside a Coptic Christian church in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria in the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt since at least 2006.

The blast occurred after midnight as worshipers were leaving a New Year’s service, damaging the church, a nearby mosque and cars on the street, the Interior Ministry said in a statement on its
website. “Foreign elements” appear to have been responsible for the blast, the ministry said, adding that it has increased security around churches nationwide “in light of the escalating threats from al-Qaeda to many countries.”

The attack bears the “fingerprints” of al-Qaeda, said Amr El-Shobaki, an expert on Islamist groups at the Cairo-based Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. “It was either successful in planting a cell in Egypt or recruited individuals to carry out a single operation,” he said.

“This will deepen the tension between Muslims and Christians in Egypt, El-Shobaki said in a phone interview. Confrontations between the two communities have increased for several years.

See it here;

Please continue to pray for the persecuted church. Remember, this killing of Christians is a foreshadowing of what the Antichrist will be doing to the Tribulation saints...those who refuse to take the mark of the beast.

We have it so good here in America with all our little, peaceful churches on every corner of every town from New York to California. Please pray that we would not take this blessing for granted.

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