
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shia vs. Sunni on 12th Imam

For those of us who are a little familiar with Islam's expectation of the 12th Imam....this brief blurb is pretty interesting.

Of course we know that Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims have been whacking each other to death for centuries....and much of the hatred stems from different understandings of how everything is going to play out. It would be a little bit like Christians who are expecting the rapture and then hell on earth during the Tribulation....fighting to death with Christians who believe that we have to make earth a better place so that Christ can return.

If you care to read the below article that compares and contrasts the Mahdi (12th Imam) between Shias and Sunnis...understand that "dajjal" is Satan. Also understand that they believe Jesus will come back with the Mahdi....but he will just be a kind of lesser prophet.

See brief comparison here;

Also notice some of the attributes of the Mahdi...sounds like he may be the Antichrist as described by the Bible...notice they believe he will rule for 7 years.

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, I find it interesting how the Shia flavor lines up with the Vedas... here is a quick overview... Think about the parallels...
