
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sixteen Brewing Conflicts

Anyone who has read this blog for a while knows that we believe the world is becoming more dangerous. There are a number of flash points all around the world that if ignited...could spread.

The linked article below is called "NEXT YEAR' S WAR" and it gives a quick summary with photos of sixteen conflicts....just waiting to pop.

Of course, as prophecy watchers we know that "wars and rumors of wars" and "nation against nation" are signs of the very last days. With that being said, we plucked out this one conflict brewing in Lebanon that may trigger the start of Psalm 83 war which could then turn into Ezekiel 38 war.

In addition to Lebanon's internal political unraveling, the country risks sliding back into war with Israel. Nearly five years after the 2006 war, relations between the two countries are both exceptionally quiet and uniquely dangerous -- for the same reason: On both sides of Israel's northern border, the build-up in military forces and threats of an all-out war that would spare neither civilians nor civilian infrastructure, together with the worrisome prospect of its regionalization, have had a deterrent effect on all. Today, none of the parties can soberly contemplate the prospect of a conflict that would come at greater cost to themselves, be more difficult to contain, and be less predictable in outcome than anything they witnessed in the past.

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