
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trash Talking China

China has been in the news for it's military buildup quite a bit as of late. All this recent talk about China's new stealth fighter jet, aircraft carriers, nuclear subs and ballistic missiles has prompted the U.S. Secretary of Defense to start doing a little mild trash talking....just to make China knows we are the still the king of the hill.

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has signalled his concern over China's rapid military modernisation.

His move is highlighted by the latest picture of a Chinese stealth bomber, as he begins talks aimed at repairing security relations in Beijing today.

But Dr Gates warned China not to underestimate the US or the continuing power of its military.

"I've watched this sort of cyclical view of American decline come around two or three times, perhaps most dramatically in the latter half of the 1970s," Dr Gates told reporters en route to China.

"And my general line for those both at home and around the world who think the US is in decline is that history's dustbins are filled with countries that underestimated the resilience of the United States."

See it here;

Two things to observe; isn't it usually true that when someone is forced to open their mouths and verbally say how strong they are...that really they are starting to be insecure? Secondly, how do you go about continually threatening someone that you owe one-thousand-billion-dollars to?...and that you are going to need to keep carrying that loan for decades to come?

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