
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Usual Suspects

Some of you maybe heard that a suicide bomber blew herself up in Russia yesterday and killed 35 people. It could have been 2 bombers but they are still sorting through body parts trying to figure it out.

Of course they aren't SURE who did it yet.

I'm gonna take a WILD stab and say it was someone who adheres to the Muslim fact, I'll bet anyone a dollar that it was.

One guy they interviewed at the airport right after the bomb went off said, "I heard someone screaming, "aaaaaa!" and then the bomb went off."

I'm pretty sure what he was hearing was, "Allah Akbaaaaaaar!"......BOOOOOMM!!

Watch this video clip on CNN as the anchor seems to do everything in his power to NOT say "Muslim extremist". In fact, they keep saying Chechen rebels.....and what are Chechen rebels?....MUSLIMS WHO WANT THEIR OWN COUNTRY...and are willing to blow themselves up and kill lots of innocent women and children in the process.

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