
Friday, February 11, 2011

Child of Satan

As Egypt is shaking....harsh words are coming to us from Iran. Surprise!!

TEHRAN // President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday that the Middle East will soon be free of the United States and Israel, as massive crowds of Iranians chanted pro-Egypt and anti-American slogans while marking the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

Ahmadinejad, under whose presidency the animosity between Iran and the West has peaked, warned Egyptians to be "watchful of the friendly face" of the United States as he predicted victory in the Egypt uprising.

"We will soon see a new Middle East materialising without America and the Zionist regime and there will be no room for world arrogance (the West) in it," the hardliner told cheering crowds of men, women and children gathered in Tehran's Azadi (Freedom) Square despite cold and cloudy weather.

In a speech directed in good part at the Arab uprisings, Ahmadinejad said Egyptians need to be careful.

"They (the United States) have adopted a friendly face and saying 'we are friends of people of North Africa and Arab countries', but be watchful and united. You will be victorious," he said.

"Come and take away the Zionist regime which is the source of all crimes... take it away and liberate the region. Free the region and give it to the people and take this regime, which is the child of Satan, out."

"Death to America! Death to Israel!" chanted the crowd as they carried Iranian flags, banners and posters of Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the uprising against the shah, and of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the nation's supreme leader.

See it here;

Wow! After watching all the whipped up Muslims in Egypt and then reading about these whipped up Muslims in Persia (Iran) has to wonder if Satan is doing a war-cry getting ready to pounce on Israel.

I have Fox News on the TV at the office and the former Israeli Ambassador to Cairo just said, "We (Israel) are in big trouble."

Make no doubt about it...we ARE witnessing unprecedented history.

Make no doubt about it.....war IS coming.

Hat tip to Lisa H.

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