
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Grown Terrorists

I guarantee you it's one tough job trying to keep the terrorists, hell-bent on our destruction, from coming into the U.S.

But how tough is it going to be for Homeland Security to catch the terrorists who are already here...and may have been born here, worked here and live here?

Daniel Patrick Boyd, a North Carolina man whose arrest on terrorism-related charges surprised the residents of his bucolic town, pleaded guilty in Federal District Court in New Bern, N.C., on Wednesday to conspiring to assist violent jihadists and to participate in attacks in foreign countries, Justice Department officials said.

Mr. Boyd, 40, an American citizen who worked for a company that installed drywall, and six other men, including two of his sons, were first charged in July 2009 with participating and supporting violent jihad overseas.

A superseding indictment two months later contained more charges, including one accusing Mr. Boyd and another man of plotting an attack on the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va. He did not enter a plea on that charge on Wednesday.

Wow! So we start thinking.....why would some 40 year old white guy, born and bred in the USA, decide that he should take out the Marine Corps base?....and suddenly it becomes clear.

Although they knew he was a devout Muslim, many were hearing for the first time that Mr. Boyd was known by an alias, Saifullah, and that he had been in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 1989 to 1992, training with and supporting fighters who were trying to overthrow the government in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Got it!!! He was a devout Muslim! Now it makes perfect sense of why he wants to blow things up, cause chaos and destroy the U.S. Government! He wants Shariah law to come to the USA and for Islam to rule the world.

I wonder how many folks just like him we already have on U.S. soil...getting more radicalized the longer they attend the mosque and the more familiar they become with what the Koran actually says?

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