
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Inflation Hawk Resigns

The Federal Reserve is made up of board members. Today, one of them resigned. What's interesting about this is that the dude who resigned is the one who is the most concerned about inflation....and the printing of trillions of dollars.

At only 40 years old, Warsh was the youngest member of the Fed board.

He has recently spoken openly about his doubts of the Fed's controversial policy that pumps $600 billion into the economy through purchases of long-term Treasuries.

That policy is meant to stimulate the economy by keeping interest rates low, but critics argue it could spur inflation to rise too quickly.

In the last speech Warsh gave in November, he said "I am less optimistic than some that additional asset purchases will have significant, durable benefits for the real economy."

See it here;

So why would you quit a GREAT gig like this at such a young age?

How about because you do not want to have your name on the ship when it sinks? Could that be a reason?

We will need to watch and see.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis, We are being led by the blind.

    During a House Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called Egypt’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement “largely secular.”

    This is insanity. We are supporting the MB. Their main goal is the return of the Caliphate so the Mahdi can return.


