
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Massive Global Superstorms

Did you know that the earth has a wobble? Yes, it's true. The earth is tipped on its axis and as it spins on that axis at about 1000 mph, it has a tiny wobble.

Now that I have taught you all about the wobble and you're cool with that....I have some news for you....the wobble has stopped. And according to this article that tiny fact is the cause for the massive global storms that are wreaking havoc on planet earth.

Also it has something to do with the quickly moving north pole. Remember we posted about last month as the pole moved 40 miles in one year...and it moved towards Russia. Also hate to break this news to you, but when the north pole flops with the south pretty much wipes out most everything on planet earth...and probably will start another ice age.

Where the heck is Al Gore and Global Warming when you need him?

(CHICAGO) - NASA has been warning about it.scientific papers have been written about it.geologists have seen its traces in rock strata and ice core samples.

Now "it" is here: an unstoppable magnetic pole shift that has sped up and is causing life-threatening havoc with the world's weather.

Forget about global or natural.what drives planetary weather patterns is the climate and what drives the climate is the sun's magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet's own magnetic field.

According to some geologists and scientists, we have left the last interglacial period behind us. Those periods are lengths of time.about 11,500 years.between major Ice Ages.

One of the most stunning signs of the approaching Ice Age is what's happened to the world's processional wobble.

The Earth's wobble has stopped.

See it all here;

Is this all true? Who the heck knows? Have we had ice ages in the past? You bet. Could the wacky weather be caused by the wobble stopping? You bet. Does God have it all under control? You bet. Should we learn to rely more on God our Father and less on ourselves? For sure.

And finally, could this be one other major catastrophe that will be unleashed during The Tribulation? For sure.

Is the world of unsaved people, who have no idea of God's word, starting to wonder what the heck is going on? Will there come a day when men faint with fear for what is coming on them? Yep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here is a rundown on the next planned revolts in the middle east.

    As a spectator I have to say that things are gust getting started.


