
Monday, February 7, 2011

Nearing Midnight

Many of you are familiar with a top prophecy website. It is called Rapture Ready. Every Monday morning they have a weekly update called Nearing Midnight that tracks how quickly the world appears to be nearing the second the clock will strike midnight....and the church will be raptured.

This week he is writing about the moral depravity that has taken over this country....and I believe he is right on base.

Just this week I saw a headline about how cancer of the throat is increasing, not because of smoking, but because so many men and women (gay and straight) are engaging in oral sex with so many different partners.

Oral sex has become more commonplace; people have more sex partners and have sex earlier in life -- all behaviours linked to HPV-related oral cancers, according to a study in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Emerging Infectious Diseases report.

Read more: Men at throat cancer risk with oral sex - The Times of India

About that same day I saw the headline that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was trying to submit a TV ad for the Super Bowl that showed bikini clad women engaged in sexual play with various vegetables. I don't think FOX Sports accepted the ad...but we all know it is getting more difficult to even watch TV with your kids because of what might come across the screen.

See PETA ad here:

Below is some of what Nearing Midnight had to say;

If you want to know how much time we have left, keep track of the moral decay in society. One example is the use of sex-related products in prime-time TV ads. This brief timeline gives a good indication of how rapidly debauchery is taking over.

2002 Viagra - The drug used to treat erectile dysfunction was introduced in 1999 and was first promoted on television at the beginning of 2002.

2005 Condoms - For years, the National Association of Broadcasters’ code of conduct prohibited condom advertising outright. The code was eventually disbanded. The first prime-time, network television condom commercial aired on June 1, 2005.

2010 Sex toy ads - In recent months, the Trojan company has been running commercials for its vibrating Triphoria. The commercial features a group of women sitting at a wedding shower opening gifts. One woman is curious about the new product and asks if this is the vibrator that will blow your hair back.

The problem with moral indicators is that society has lost sight of them. We live in a world where morality is set by whatever pleases the majority. If we use the Bible as a guide, we will quickly realize that we are living in the days of Noah. The nearness of the Rapture comes down to the question of how wicked man can get from here. From what I see, the answer is "not much."

See it here;

The U.S. is the top producer of porn that is exported to the rest of the world. Our prime time TV shows are filled with gay couples, teen sex, gay sex, drunkenness, fornication, adultery and non-stop cursing of the Lord. Not to mention, most U.S. citizens are caught up in we worship our money and all it can do for us.

How far can we be from, "as it was in the days of Noah"?

Would any regular readers of this blog be surprised if The Trumpet announcing the rapture were to happen today?

"But you brothers are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief." 1 Thessalonians 5:4

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