
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Newsweek, Sex, and Nephilim

One of the top articles tracking on Google today is a Newsweek article titled, "What the Bible Really Says About Sex."

You can see it here;

Of course they have found a liberal theologian to claim the David and Jonathon were gay lovers...which makes King David a bi-sexual.

They also claim that when Ruth was laying at Boaz' feet...that the word "feet" really could have meant "genitals"....and so premarital sex might actually be OK....because Ruth did it.

But this is the paragraph I found most interesting;

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is, as everyone knows, a story of God’s judgment against homosexuality, promiscuity, and other kinds of illicit sex. Except, Knust argues, it’s not. It’s a story about the danger of having sex with angels. In the biblical world, people believed in angels, and they feared them, for sex with angels led inevitably to death and destruction. In the Noah story, God sends the flood to exterminate the offspring of “the daughters of man” (human women) and “the sons of God” (angels, in some interpretations). Non-canonical Jewish texts tell of angels, called Watchers, who descend to earth and impregnate human women, who produce monstrous children—thus inciting God’s terrible vengeance. God razes Sodom not because its male inhabitants are having sex with each other, as so many contemporary ministers preach, Knust argues, but in part because the men of the town intended to rape angels of God who were sheltered in Lot’s house. And when the Apostle Paul tells women to keep their heads covered in church, he’s issuing a warning against inciting angelic lust: “The angels might be watching,” Knust writes.

Wow! We know that the monstrous children spoken of are the Nephilim of Genesis 6.

Interesting that they say, "in the Biblical world people believed in angels" if none of us do today.

So what is my take away from all this? Number one you are going to have millions of people hearing/reading the story about a Biblical time when angels had sex with women and produced some nasty offspring....and it may just be ONE MORE WAY that the earth is being conditioned to accept that 1) sex outside of marriage is fine, 2) gay sex is fine and 3) accept angels on earth (even if the claim to be from another planet) intermingling with women.

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