
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Obama's Betrayal

The headline says it all;

Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak

(Reuters) - If Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is toppled, Israel will lose one of its very few friends in a hostile neighborhood and President Barack Obama will bear a large share of the blame, Israeli pundits said on Monday.

Political commentators expressed shock at how the United States as well as its major European allies appeared to be ready to dump a staunch strategic ally of three decades, simply to conform to the current ideology of political correctness.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told ministers of the Jewish state to make no comment on the political cliffhanger in Cairo, to avoid inflaming an already explosive situation. But Israel's President Shimon Peres is not a minister.

"We always have had and still have great respect for President Mubarak," he said on Monday. He then switched to the past tense. "I don't say everything that he did was right, but he did one thing which all of us are thankful to him for: he kept the peace in the Middle East."

See it here;

So there you have the truth.....everything Mubarak did wasn't always good or right, but he kept the peace in a VERY militant neighborhood.

Also today in the Wall Street Journal we have an article about the Christian Coptics in Egypt who are VERY concerned if Mubarak gets shoved out. Why? Because he did a ton to keep the Islamic extremists under control...and didn't hesitate to squash them so he could retain power. They fear (and are probably right) that the Christians will be persecuted if the Muslim Brotherhood and/or it's supporters and sympathizers take over.

Hat tip to Jared F.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Mohammed ElBaradei has ordered Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave the country by Friday – or he will be a “dead man walking”. Looks like the MB may have Egypt sooner than later.

    You can follow the next flotilla here:

    Here is the list of delegates for the April 2011 Flotilla.

    This time they will be well escorted by several countries war ships. I believe this could be a significant turning point.



  2. Hi Dennis, a quick additional thought,

    Check this out from the LA times,

    U.S. open to a role for Islamists in new Egypt government. Now we are supporting the MB and other radicals if they renounce violence.

    So, Egyptian leader Mohammed ElBaradei has ordered Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave the country by Friday – or he will be a “dead man walking”.

    President Barack Obama dealt Mubarak a stinging slap, stating that a transition to a new government should begin “now.”

    President Barack Obama has sent a senior diplomat to meet with ElBaradei. But didn't this guy just give Mubarack a death threat?

    I suppose it doesn't matter that ElBaradei has the backing of Iran and the MB.

    Our words and actions as a nation state are not in alignment.


