
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Provocation Update

This information is just crossing the news wire right now and is related to our previous post.

Plans by two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean have been cancelled, says an Egyptian official.

The unnamed official was reported as saying the plans had been withdrawn, without giving a reason.

He said the ships were near the Saudi Red Sea port of Jeddah.

Israel had reacted angrily to the plans, with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warning that it could not "forever ignore these provocations".

See it here;

It's funny how countries act like kids on a playground. One threatens another...and he either backs down or threatens something back. This goes on until recess is over...but if recess goes on long enough sometimes other kids will gather round and start to chant, "Fight, fight, fight!"....and if it actually reaches this stage the two parties are now almost forced to start throwing punches.

Also remember that whichever kid backs down does so at the risk that other kids on the playground may see that as a sign of he may be threatened by others over the course of the coming weeks.

It would be nice if the countries of the world could sit and talk over a glass of iced tea and discuss their differences like adults....but that will never happen. The game is called King of the Hill....and only one person can be on the top at a time.

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