
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Solar Flare On Its Way to Earth

We have written over the past few years about America's Achilles heel....electricity. Without it we are all hopeless, helpless little balls of flesh who couldn't care for ourselves for more than a few hours.

So what happens if a big solar explosion comes hurtling towards earth and knocks out our power grid and communications system?

Here is today's headline;


After the initial blast of radiation accompanying the coronal mass ejection (CME) — the first of its magnitude to occur in the new solar cycle of activity — a huge cloud of charged particles is headed toward Earth and is expected likely to arrive on Feb. 17-18.

Among the many potential disasters that can come from a massive CME: disturbances in the planet’s geomagnetic field that may lead to malfunctioning telecom and GPS satellite equipment.

While forecasters predict no major impact on our telecommunications infrastructure, scientists have pointed out the sun is now ramping up ahead of an expected solar maximum around 2013

See it here;

Hey!!....Isn't TODAY the 17th?? What would happen if this VERY afternoon, our comfortable, electric filled world, came crashing down? What would happen if the PROUD WERE LAID LOW? Are we TRULY ready to trust in the Lord? Or is trusting in the Lord simply something we say while we stand in church...but we don't REALLY mean it?

Dear Lord, we have become so proud. We have become so convinced that our recent technology advances can solve anything that comes our way. We have become so certain that it is US that provides for our daily bread and not you. Please forgive us, humble our spirits and save us from the time of trial. And if our world does come apart before you come for us, please give us the backs and legs and strength to endure it until you do come.

Amen....even so, come Lord Jesus.

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