
Monday, February 28, 2011

Strategic Moves

Three articles and an extra in one today regarding Israel and growing tension in the Middle East.

The first, “Israel Strikes Gaza After Rocket Attack on Israeli City.”

“A rocket fired from Gaza on Wednesday struck the southern Israeli city of Beersheba for the first time in two years, damaging one house but causing no physical injury, the Israeli police said. Israel carried out an airstrike soon after that in northern Gaza against what the military said was a rocket-firing squad.”
“On Thursday Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned Hamas, “I do not suggest that anyone test the State of Israel’s resolve.”

Read about that here,

I imagine Hamas is going to take advantage of the chaos and turmoil in the region to excite Israel right about now.

The second, “Iran aiming to exploit anarchy in post-Mubarak Sinai.”

“Iran wants to take advantage of the current anarchy in Egypt and establish a stronger foothold in Gaza,” a senior defense official said. “They are building new capabilities, upgrading smuggling mechanisms and studying the new military presence there to see how it will affect them.”

It seems that Israel should be concerned. Iran is taking complete advantage of the abandoned checkpoints and crossing areas in Egypt to haul in arms to Gaza. Israelis are also concerned that the Sinai will turn into a launch pad for attacks into Israel.

Read about that here,

And, the third, with some prophetic rings to it, “Syria and Iran agree to cooperate on naval training.”

Let’s make sure we throw Russia in the mix,
“The announcement of the cooperation agreement came the same day that Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that Russia would fulfill its contractual obligation and complete the transfer of cruise missiles to Syria, according to an AFP report. The report said that news agencies in Moscow said the Kremlin did not intend to withdraw from the deal signed between the two countries in 2007, despite the objections of Israel and the United States.”

Read about that here,

"The two parties will cooperate with each other in training issues and the exchange of personnel," IRNA quoted the agreement, signed by the commanders of both navies, as saying.”

The article also quotes the Iranian naval commander as saying the pact is to announce peace and unity among Islamic countries and there is no war to be discussed. You don’t say…

Here’s a P.S. for good measure, 'Iran, Egypt, Syria can finish US'

“Tehran's ambassador to Damascus says if Egypt and other Muslim countries join forces with Iran and Syria, US dominance and power will diminish.”

Read the small but powerfully worded article here,

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