
Monday, February 21, 2011

Suez Quake

This story sure seems to be pretty "coincidental".

Earthquake Shakes Up Suez Canal as Iran Warships Approach

An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale shook up residents at the entrance to the Suez Canal early Monday morning, 48 hours before two Iranian ships, a frigate and a supply vessel, are expected to enter the canal.

The National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research reported that tremors from the 3 a.m. quake lasted for 27 minutes, but caused no damage.

The ships had originally been expected to enter the Suez today (Monday), but Egyptian officials announced the delay this morning, without explanation.

See it here;

If you don't know where the Suez canal is (Egypt) or what it is, I would strongly recommend that you Google it and pull up some pictures and a map. It's a canal cut through the desert that connects the tip of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Of course the Iranian warships are coming from the Red Sea and want to pass through the canal and get into the Mediterranean where they hope to be a provocation to they will be sailing right past her on their way up to Syria.

So was the quake at the Suez entrance just a coincidence....or is somebody Omnipotent attempting to get our attention and remind us that EVERYTHING is pointing at Israel and the Jews....and when the fullness of the gentiles is upon us (rapture) then God will turn all his attention to the redemption of Israel. He will fight for her as He did in the ancient days.

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