
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where Have All the Men Gone?

We ask this question all the time in churches around the country...but today the Wall Street Journal is asking the same question as they look around the U.S. society. It would appear that we have made a bunch of 20-something men who prefer to live with their moms, play GameBoy all weekend and their excitement of choice is to head with "the guys" down to Vegas and party.

By the time my dad was 22, he had graduated from college, was a 2nd Lt. in the Army and had a wife and kid and a whole bunch of responsibility.

Maybe this is all more signs of another tipping point??

What also makes pre-adulthood something new is its radical reversal of the sexual hierarchy. Among pre-adults, women are the first sex. They graduate from college in greater numbers (among Americans ages 25 to 34, 34% of women now have a bachelor's degree but just 27% of men), and they have higher GPAs. As most professors tell it, they also have more confidence and drive. These strengths carry women through their 20s, when they are more likely than men to be in grad school and making strides in the workplace. In a number of cities, they are even out-earning their brothers and boyfriends.

Still, for these women, one key question won't go away: Where have the good men gone? Their male peers often come across as aging frat boys, maladroit geeks or grubby slackers.

See it here;

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