
Monday, February 21, 2011

World Unraveling

Let's see...can we even count the countries where unrest is happening?? Libya, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, China, Tunisia, Sudan, Mexico, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria....and how about Wisconsin??

What kind of new world order is in the process of being birthed?

As we ponder that, I came across an article today quoting ex-Soviet leader Gorbachev. He was the dude in charge of bringing in democratic reforms to Russia and allowed the Berlin Wall to fall. He also won a Nobel Peace Prize.

Remember also that Russia will be the country leading a coalition of Muslim countries during the very last days, who will attempt to overthrow Israel and take all their stuff. (Ezekiel 38-39)

In a wide-ranging news conference to announce nominees for his new Gorbachev Awards for "world changers," Gorbachev weighed in on protests rattling the Middle East and criticized the Libyan regime for brutally repressing its own people.

"People are trying to get of out poverty, and they've got nothing to lose. I think it's now very important that Europe and the United States respond to this situation very responsibly," he said.

The former Soviet leader had blunt criticism for leaders in his own country as well.

Gorbachev blamed both President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for the state of Russian democracy, calling its institutions "fake." He added that both are showing incredible arrogance and disrespect for voters when suggesting that they would discuss between the two of them who should run for president in 2012.

Gorbachev has been ever more outspoken in recent weeks in criticizing Russian leaders, saying he sees the country becoming increasingly entrenched in a dangerous, authoritarian system.

See it here;

So even the Nobel Peace winner sees his own country becoming entrenched in a dangerous, authoritarian system. Sounds exactly like the type of leadership needed to head up a coalition of Muslim authoritarian system. It doesn't sound like Russia is heading in a peaceful direction.

Things could go two ways people. On the one hand, we could have all these countries continue to unravel and be replaced by wonderful, peace loving, people loving, democratic which case the world could be on the verge of a huge outbreak of peace and prosperity. We could trade our swords for plows!!


these countries could all be taken over by regimes who are hungry for power, hate Israel, hate America and have the perception that The West has been king of the hill for far too long. In which case WWIII will be the result.

Which scenario, in your heart of hearts do you truly believe is coming?

"There will be wars and rumors of wars.....but don't be alarmed. These thing MUST happen....", says Jesus as he speaks of the Last Days.

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